Select a question below to find the answer.

MCM supports three payment Gateways PayPal, and Square.
Project Owners and Staff can post crew positions for projects.
Yes, you can do the both while adding a new course in MCM.
Yes, using the multi-location settings you can set different operation hours for different locations individually. This is applicable to Media Centers with multiple locations or satellite centers.
Yes, if you have entered bar codes in the MCM database then you can use barcodes for check in and check out of those equipment during reservation.
The member will automatically lose access to MCM sections such as reservation, class registration etc. but will be able to renew their membership. On completion of renewal, access will be automatically restored. 
MCM offers an Archival System that can automatically archive memberships that have not been renewed. Archived members can be easily reactivated by renewing the membership.
Yes, MCM offers the flexibility to exclude a particular member/staff from the notification.
Yes, you can add specific department to receive individual notifications.
Yes, you can opt for late return charges in the reservation settings. Staff can waive the late charges, if needed, as per policy of the media center.

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